For the love of St. Patrick!

I’m not Irish, but I do love corned beef (believe it mom…my taste has changed since childhood), cabbage and potatoes are two of my all time favorite foods, there’s nothing like a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake this time of year, and brunettes look good in jewel tones (the color green in particular), so I’ll happily celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the best of them!  However, I am not a U2 fan, so they may not want me! 🙂

But in all seriousness, I think St. Patrick was worthy of having a day named after him.  At the age of 16 he was captured by Irish raiders and carried into slavery in Ireland for 6 years before he escaped and was reunited with his family.  He was called in a dream to bring Christianity to Ireland, so he returned to the country to establish the church.  He traveled all over the country baptizing and converting those he came in contact with, and using the shamrock to teach about the Trinity.  He was said to have baptized hundreds at a time and in many cases entire villages!  I have to admit that had I been in St. Patrick’s shoes, I’m not sure I would have wanted to return to a country that I associated with my years in slavery.  But he did, and Ireland is Catholic because of it.  He is famous for the following prayer:

Christ be with me,

Christ within me,

Christ behind me,

Christ before me,

Christ beside me,

Christ to win me,

Christ to comfort and restore me.

Christ beneath me,

Christ above me,

Christ in quiet,

Christ in danger,

Christ in hearts of all that love me,

Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

So much comfort in those words.  To know that Christ is with me…always.

So…for the love of St. Patrick…I made these!

One thought on “For the love of St. Patrick!

  1. Sweet J says:

    Dr. Seuss convinced me very early on to give green food a chance, while I dance, wearing pants, sharing some with Irish ants.

    On a related note I would eat these with my Orange, Passionfruit,& Jasmine green tea while re-reading my copy of “The Celtic Way of Evangelism.”

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