Goodbye Summer…Hello Fall!

I had a feeling it would happen, but I think the optimist in me made me hopeful that time would slow down.  Hopeful that the summer wouldn’t fly by faster than any other summer I’ve encountered yet.

But alas, it did.

This summer was a mixed bag.  Like I mentioned in a previous post, I struggled all summer long with health issues that I had a very difficult time getting a handle on.  I’m pretty sure it’s a big reason summer seemed to fly by.  We had good intentions of doing lots of summery things, but being as sick as I was for such a prolonged amount of time put a huge damper on the season.  So frustrating.  So lame.

But in amongst all of that frustrating sickness we had some of the sweetest moments, that I am forever grateful for.

We had our first movie night with Ivy.


She stayed up late and ate copious amounts of buttered popcorn!  She was in heaven!

We took a long road trip to Montana to see all of my family, including my sweet grandma!  It was a ton of work with a two year old and a five month old, but totally worth it!  I met my newest nephew, Tait, for the first time, all of the cousins spent tons of time playing together, I saw my grandma for the first time in way too many years, and I got to see all the rest of my family too!










Sweet time with sweet family!

This precious little girl was dedicated to Jesus!





We introduced Ivy to the Portland Zoo where this Lorikeet landed on her head.




Ivy mastered the big potty…finally!


And we ended the summer with one very quick trip to the lake with our besties!  Good food, great conversation, and relaxing nights by the fire was the perfect ending to another summer.




That’s just so very much to pack into one post.  But it makes me happy to know that we made so many memories even when life felt a little out of control.  Isn’t that just so how Jesus works sometimes?

That when life spins, Jesus remains.

Thankful for the seasons and ready to embrace Fall!  Are you with me friends?


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