Dear Sister

Dear Sister,

Growing up with me was I’m sure no picnic.  I was the quintessential annoying little sister.  But not a day goes by that I’m not over the top thankful to Jesus that He chose you to be my big sister, and that you love me. 🙂

Annie and Sarah

Look at what a brat I was in that picture!  So mad that you got to ride a bicycle.  How dare you leave me behind!  We bickered a lot growing up, and the piece of tape we placed down the middle of our room didn’t really seem to help.  I even seem to remember a slapping fight that we got into over what radio station to listen to on the way to school.  But that’s normal sibling rivalry, right?


That aside, I remember the day I felt everything changed.  I was a quiet, shy freshman in high school and for some ridiculous reason I thought trying out for the cheerleading team was a good idea.  Since you were a senior, it was not uncommon to go through a typical day at school without really seeing each other.  But that day you made a point to find me in the hallways twice to make sure I wasn’t riddled with anxiety…which of course I was.  You encouraged me and acknowledged me, and that meant everything to me.  When I came home that night as a new member of the Sterling High School Varsity Cheerleading team, you celebrated with me and made me feel like I never had a reason to worry.  For me, that day we went from sisters, to friends, and from that moment on I viewed you so differently.  I admired you.

I admire your intelligence.  Being “Sarah’s sister” through high school was never easy.  I could never quite live up to what that meant.  But it always motivated me to try.

I admire your gift of hospitality.  It comes so easy to you!  And what I love most is that you don’t stress.  Things don’t have to be perfect.  You just love on people right where you are, making people feel welcomed, and I constantly strive to be that way.

I admire what kind of mother you are.  You are engaged and present.  You put your kids above the million other tasks that vie for your attention each day.  You are creative and selfless with them, and they are some of the luckiest kids I know.

photo 22

You are my family, my friend, and one of the best people in my life.  I love you more than I could ever put into words!


Your annoying little sister

 *If you haven’t read about the letter writing challenge I’m doing for the month of June, you can here!  I hope you join me and find some time to write some encouraging words to the people you love in more than a quick email, or a short text.

2 thoughts on “Dear Sister

  1. sarahbri says:

    Well, you are hardly my “annoying little sister” anymore. You are my friend too! Thanks for a sweet letter from an equally great woman. Yes, I acknowledge that I’m great 🙂 I love you more than you’ll ever know.

  2. Matthew says:

    That was wonderful, cherish your siblings.
    It is better to never wonder what you could have said or should have said.
    Just love.

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