Coconut cupcakes and lots of grace

This past weekend I had the absolute honor of providing the cupcakes for a dear friend’s birthday party.  It was at Tetherow Golf Club here in beautiful Bend, Oregon.  While I know absolutely nothing about golf, I can say, without doubt, that this course is extraordinary.  It was designed by this guy who is absolutely brilliant.  The view from the club is breathtaking!

This is what I made the birthday guy to ring in year number 49!

Coconut cupcakes with coconut cream cheese frosting!

This great birthday guy is the husband of this great gal and they have one lovely family!  In the last couple of months their family has received news that has turned their world upside down.  And yet even in their darkest moments the love and grace of Jesus shines through any amount of fear, worry, or doubt that may be present.  They are a gem of a family, and Aaron and I feel blessed to be called their friends.  I hope these cupcakes made their family smile big!

If there’s one thing that has been made brilliantly clear to me especially in this past week through our own personal struggles, it’s this…when nothing else makes sense in the world, Jesus remains.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.~2 Cor. 12:9

9 thoughts on “Coconut cupcakes and lots of grace

  1. Coffeecake says:

    “…when nothing else makes sense in the world, Jesus remains.” That’s a faith that will carry you through life. As usual, your cupcakes are amazing! You are a blessing to all of us! I love you, Sweet Pea.

  2. Casey Parnell says:

    Seriously amazing cupcakes! Really enjoyed Saturday morning bp coffee time with you and Aaron, are we making this a tradition?

  3. Marla says:

    Thanks Annie! I needed that little reminder. Someday I’m going to order something from you! It all looks so good! 🙂

  4. Whitney Parnell says:

    So I just found your blog, and can I just say…I love you lots. Those cupcakes were so addictive, I can taste them all over again just seeing the picture! Having you two at the party was such a blessing for us, and we really do love you so, so much.


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